Elementary parents, if your student did not pick up their report card, supplies, or certificates the office will be open next Tuesday (5/31)-Thursday (6/2) 8:00-4:00. Please come by during the office hours and pick up your students items. We have had a great 21-22 school year and hope that everyone has a safe, relaxing, fun summer!
over 2 years ago, Tami Wehmeyer
MHS Graduation will be held on Friday, May 27, 2022 beginning at 7:30 pm. Due to a variety of anticipated weather conditions MHS Graduation has been moved from Yellowjacket Stadium to the MHS Gymnasium.
over 2 years ago, Kim Edwards
Meridian Elementary School Awards Ceremonies are this week. We look forward to celebrating our students’ achievements for the 2021-2022 school year.
over 2 years ago, Jaime Leinhauser
MES awards 2022
Celebrating our Seniors Details for the MHS Class of 2022 Senior Sunset are found here.
over 2 years ago, Kim Edwards
senior sunset
Our Seniors will receive Baccalaureate Blessings tonight, Sunday May 22nd at 7:00 pm at the Meridian Civic Center.
over 2 years ago, Dana Davis
Please join us Monday, May 23rd @ 10:00 am in the MHS Cafeteria for Junior High Awards! We can't wait to celebrate our 6th-8th Graders achievements! Hope to see you there!
over 2 years ago, Dana Davis
We had so much fun at Field Day! Thank you to all of the teachers and staff who helped pull today together.
almost 3 years ago, Jessica Chandler
almost 3 years ago, Kim Edwards
The Spring Band Concert is tonight starting at 7:00 in the MHS gym. We hope to see you there.
almost 3 years ago, Kim Edwards
spring band
MES Field Day is tomorrow! Students should wear their new grade level color “Jackets” T-shirts. Parents/guardians that plan to attend, may check in at the office beginning at 9:00 AM. You will need a visitors pass to be on campus and attending events. Check with your students for the reminder note that came home today for more information. We are looking forward to a fun day tomorrow!
almost 3 years ago, Jaime Leinhauser
field day note 2022
MHS Class of 2022 Information In celebration of our Seniors, they will walk Meridian Elementary School tomorrow afternoon for the last time as our MES students honor them. The Senior Walk is set to begin at 2:45. Additionally, Baccalaureate Service is being hosted by Calvary Family Worship on Sunday, May 22 at the Meridian Civic Center. It will begin at 7:00 pm and will be live streamed on Calvary Family's Youtube channel and Facebook page.
almost 3 years ago, Kim Edwards
Please join us at MHS as we honor our Seniors of 2022 with Awards, Scholarships and Robing Ceremony on Friday at 10:00 am.
almost 3 years ago, Dana Davis
Cap and Gown
Athletic Banquet tonight @6pm! Awards ceremony will begin @ 6:30pm.
almost 3 years ago, Jim Kerbow
If you were unable to attend our Pre-K/Kindergarten information meeting, please contact the elementary office at 254-435-2731. We would love to get your students name and date of birth and answer any questions you might have about our upcoming 22-23 school year.
almost 3 years ago, Tami Wehmeyer
The school came together to clap out our fifth graders before their last STAAR test as an MES student. Please join us in wishing them well for tomorrow.
almost 3 years ago, Jessica Chandler
These fifth graders are so bright they are glowing! Mrs. Edmiston’s students enjoyed a glowing review before their Science STAAR.
almost 3 years ago, Jessica Chandler
Senior Picnic is happening today at Bosque Bottoms at Noon! Seniors, Enjoy these moments together!
almost 3 years ago, Dana Davis
Senior Picnic
Athletic Banquet Thursday May 19th HS Cafeteria. Meal @ 6pm. Awards Ceremony @6:30.
almost 3 years ago, Jim Kerbow
Please join us for our 2021-2022 Awards for 9th-11th Grade on Tuesday at 6:00 pm in the MHS Cafeteria. Let's celebrate our Jackets! #NL
almost 3 years ago, Dana Davis
Celebrating our Seniors Details for the MHS Class of 2022 Senior Breakfast found here.
almost 3 years ago, Kim Edwards
senior breakfast