Junior Class meeting for all parents/guardians and students:
Feb. 1, at 7:00 pm in the high school cafeteria.
We are planning Prom, so we need all of the help we can get.
Hope to see all Juniors and their parents/guardians there!!

💞💓Valentine's Day Fund Raiser❤️💕 Who: NHS When: Jan. 18-22 What: 🍬Candygram (sucker and card) $1.00, 🌺Carnations (card not included) $2.00, 🍭Candygram (sucker, card, and song) $2.00 Valentines 💌❤will be delivered Feb. 11 . Order forms are in the HS front office.

Monday: JH Boys @ Home vs. Itasca 5/6
Tuesday: JV/V Girls @ Valley Mills 5/6
Thursday: JH Girls @ Home vs. Itasca, 5/6
Friday: HS Basketball @ Home vs. Italy, JVG, JVB, VG, VB, Games start @ 4:00
Saturday: HS Girls, Varsity only at Frost, game starts at 11:00

MES NEWS: Chromebook Usage Agreement & Insurance opt in/out forms are due for ALL 2nd - 5th grade students on Monday. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call the school. Thank you to everyone that has returned their forms so far. We are excited to begin using our new devices!

Bosque County Constable Scot Ferguson held our annual "Jackets Against Drugs" kick off with our MES 5th graders this week.

Junior Parents- we are having a meeting to plan prom for all parents of Juniors Monday, Jan. 18 at 7:00 pm in the high school cafeteria. We hope you can all make it to help make this the best prom ever!!

Due to current weather conditions and the high possibility of treacherous roadways on Monday morning, Meridian ISD (including remote learners) will be closed on Monday, January 11, 2021.
Stay safe and stay warm!!!
Mrs. Edwards

Meridian Elementary School would like to recognize Mrs. Aimee Edmiston, 4th/5th Science Teacher, and Ms. Gabby Nagos, 3rd/4th Math Teacher, as Staff Members of the Month for December. This achievement recognizes them for being "Heart at Work" for their constant efforts to help make Meridian Elementary "Out of This World!" Help us congratulate these two ladies for their dedication to the students, staff, and families of Meridian ISD.

MISD is proud to announce that our Secondary School is becoming a 1 to 1 campus!!! All 6th-12th grade students will be issued a new Chromebook to use in class.
Yesterday, students were given the information to bring home for parents/guardians to read, sign, and send back. All forms are due back Friday.
Students will be issued their Chromebooks Monday. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Secondary School office.

Meridian ISD will continue to offer free breakfast and free lunch to ALL students for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year.

Online tickets for basketball games this week are available at:

Meridian ISD is seeking a driver for one of our regular bus routes. Please contact the Administration Office at 254-435-2081 for additional information.

MES is excited to see all of our students back tomorrow! As a reminder for morning car riders, please keep students in the vehicle until you reach an orange cone spot. Staff members will begin checking temperatures at the car to help students stay warm during this cold weather season. At dismissal time, please pull in to one of the lines at the front (Last name A-M) or side (Last name N-Z) of the building and staff members will help load your students as you get to the front of the line. We usually have the entire campus clear within 5-7 minutes of the dismissal bell thanks to your help with these procedures! Thanks and we are looking forward to a GREAT 2nd Semester!

Welcome Back!
MISD students resume 2nd semester classes tomorrow, January 5, 2021.
We hope that you have stayed well over the break and we are eager to see you all tomorrow.
Face coverings still continue to be a requirement for ages 10 and up.
ANY student riding the bus must wear a face covering while on the bus, regardless of their age.
If your student has any symptoms of Covid, we ask that you contact your child's school and please don't send them.
We look forward to a Fantastic 2021!!!

We are excited to welcome students back tomorrow. If you are wanting your student to participate remotely, please email Mrs. Alvizo at the secondary school for any information for all 6th-12th grade students. Of course, you can also call Mrs. Alvizo as well.

Online Ticket Sales for Varsity Boys Basketball games set for this week are now live at

SPS packing Christmas Dinner buckets to deliver today. Thanks Ace Hardware for donating the buckets. A HUGE thanks to the faculty and staff for donating so much food for this initiative to help others!!

Canceled- Due to the rise in COVID cases and in order to keep everyone safe over Christmas Break, the Family, Food, and Fun night next Wednesday, Dec. 23 from 5:30-8:30 pm in the High School Cafeteria has been canceled.
We hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas Break!!

Student Athletes and Parents....
Please check the Meridian Yellowjacket Athletics Facebook page for information about upcoming games and practices.

Meridian ISD has seen a rise in confirmed cases of COVID and close contacts among our staff and students over the past few days. In an attempt to mitigate spread among our community, students will dismiss today at our regular time, 3:25, for the Christmas holidays and not return until January 5, 2021 per our district calendar. Although MISD staff will be working tomorrow, students will not attend school. December 17 was set as an early dismissal day already so students will only be missing a “half day” and will not have to make up that time. Please know that MHS is running an adjusted schedule today to accommodate students finishing final exams. MES has chosen to postpone their holiday parties set for tomorrow until after the holidays. I will be posting more info when I have it but for now, I wanted you to be aware so you could make appropriate plans. Thanks for your flexibility and help in sharing this post to get the word out! Mrs. Edwards