If you like using our Meridian ISD App, there is now a "button" that will take you directly to online ticket sales located on the App menu.

For all you JH Basketball fans out there, don't forget to get your tickets online so you can attend the game/s tonight.
Tickets will not be sold at the door.
7th grade girls play at Home @ 5:00 and the boys have 2 games, with the first beginning at 5:00 in Valley Mills.
Go to the Meridian ISD "Events" page, find the game you want to attend and grab your tickets. You can show them on your phone for entry.
Here's the link:

The Virtual Book Fair ends today. Go to www.athomebookfairs.com, click on My Book Fair, and type in 76665.

Our Junior High One Act Play performed scenes from the play "John Lennon & Me" today for our JH students and staff.
They were amazing!!!
If you missed this performance, don't worry because you will have another chance to see them Saturday evening, November 14, beginning at 7:00 pm on the MHS stage.
There is no charge for admission but donations are welcomed!
Hope to see you there #RTS
Mrs. Edwards

Our first Anti-Bullying Assembly was a great success! We are super proud of our leaders who are stepping up to drive this initiative. Pictured are the leaders for our 6th grade.

Don't forget about our Virtual Book Fair! I ordered my books last week, and they were delivered to me yesterday. I bought these quality hard cover books for $5 each. Go to www.athomebookfairs.com, click on My Book Fair, and type in 76665. The last day to order is Sunday, November 15th.

Exciting News!!!
Meridian ISD is beginning online tickets sales for basketball season, including home and most away games.
The link to purchase those tickets can be found on the Meridian ISD website on the "Events" page located here: https://www.meridianisd.org/o/meridian-isd/events.
Just click on the event you wish to attend and use the online Ticket Leap system to purchase your tickets.
If online tickets are available, there will not be tickets sold at the gate for entry. Once you purchase tickets, just show them on your phone to enter the gym.
We appreciate your patience as we launch this new project.
Mrs. Edwards

The Food Pantry is set up in front of the High School Gym. Please come out.

The HS girls basketball games set or tonight in Axtell have been cancelled.
Please share this and help spread the word.
Mrs. Edwards

Wishing our Varsity cross country girls at regionals and our UIL Student Congress kids good luck today in their respective competitions!

Meridian Secondary School's Virtual Book Fair will end this Sunday, November 15th. This book fair is through Junior Library Guild, and is completely online! Book prices start as low as $5.00, and shipping is free for orders over $30.00. Books are shipped directly to your home, and the library will get 40% of the total sales as credit to buy new books from Junior Library Guild! Visit www.athomebookfairs.com, click Find Your Book Fair and search by our zip code: 76665. Happy reading!

National Honor Society Induction Ceremony. We are so proud of the students and all they do for our school and community through Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character.

Meridian Elementary Help Needed
Please help your elementary students remember that they must wear a face covering to ride the school bus to and from school.
Please help us out by ensuring your child has a face covering and by helping spread the word.
Thank you!
Mrs. Edwards

And the MHS Band of Gold scored 1’s and are advancing to area competition in Whitney on December 3.
Way to go Band!!!

The MHS Band of Gold is set to compete in the UIL Regional Marching Band Competitoon in Troy today. Our band is set to perform at 2:00. We appreciate your support and wish our band the best of luck! Results will be posted here....
Mrs Edwards

New and Revised Covid Information Items have been added to the website.
One pertains to the new clarification of "Close Contact" found here: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/997535/MISD_Flowchart_COVID-19__rev_11-5-2020.pdf
The other item is procedures to be followed when students return from Remote Learning to Face to Face Instruction which can be found here : https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/997526/Change_of_Student_Learning_Environment.pdf.
Thank you!
Mrs. Edwards

A great opportunity tonight to come out and support our kids who participate in Football, Band & Cheer.
We play Cross Plains at home for our last home football game of the season. This is also our pink out game for 2020.
Kick off is set for 7:00pm with band performing their competition show at halftime.
Face coverings are required to enter and in "common" areas.
We hope to see you there!!!

Remember, Jacket Backers are meeting tonight at 6:00 pm in the High School Cafeteria.
Please come out and support our students. This is for both academic and athletic support for all of our students. WE NEED YOU!!
See you tonight!

Meridian Elementary School would like to recognize Mrs. Jessica Chandler, 4th/5th ELAR Teacher, and Mrs. Robin Baucom, 3rd/4th Science & Social Studies Teacher, as Staff Members of the Month for October. This achievement recognizes them for being "Heart at Work" for their constant efforts to help make Meridian Elementary "Out of This World!" Help us congratulate these two ladies for their dedication to the students, staff, and families of Meridian ISD.

Don't forget to vote on Tuesday, November 3, 2020.